Subject: NEWBIE: V1.1 New User Door Author: Kevin Brandenburg (Insanity Software) Uploaded By: SirFimpen Date: 8/18/1995 File: NEWBIE11.ZIP (45180 bytes) Estimated Download Time (23524 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 540 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, BBS Software using DOOR.SYS Keywords: Brandenburg, Insanity, Record, Rules, Security, BBS, Sysop Type: Shareware New-Bie was written to aid sysops in obtaining records of ALL the users decision to follow and obey their BBS rules. As the informational highways expand, so does the number of users to our local BBS's and it is up to the sysops to carefully take measures to protect ourselves and the BBS community. When the door runs, it displays a file called RULES.ANS or RULES.ASC which you must edit with either a text editor or an ANSI editor like THEDRAW. You must have both of these files available, one for your ANSI callers, and one for your ASCII callers. These screens will list ALL your BBS rules. After the screens have been displayed, Newbie asks the caller if he or she agrees with all terms of your BBS. They must type the FULL yes or no. After that, Newbie will ask the caller to type in their name as a data signature. Documentation: NEWBIE.DOC Download of Previous Version(s): 46